In-Person & Virtual Physical Therapy Services (VT/NY only)

Do you have difficulty doing everyday activities or moving around in your day-to-day life because of pain and/or physical limitations?  Do you have aches and pains that are holding you back from doing what you want or need to do?  If you answered yes, you may be a candidate for Physical Therapy. 

In-Person & Virtual Physical Therapy: What to Expect

PT Initial Consultation Session (75 minutes): We begin with complete consideration of your history, present situation, questions, concerns, & goals.  This is followed by movement screening & assessment that addresses posture, mobility, strength, stability, & fundamental movement patterns. This information allows us to better understand what is going on and how we may positively affect it.  We will discuss these findings, establish a plan of care together, & get to work immediately on getting you well. ($200)

PT Follow-up Sessions (60 minutes, pre-paid discount packages available): My mission is to get you doing what you want to do as soon as possible while keeping you as active as possible. We will utilize interventions to alleviate pain, improve function, increase performance, & improve activity tolerance. Each session will include progressive movement homework to solidify gains and to achieve steady improvement between sessions.  Education is an important part of the process, as ultimately my job is to make myself obsolete by teaching you the knowledge & skills you need to take care of your body for life. In-person sessions are performed at clinic. ($150. Prepaid discount package described below):

Pre-paid In-person & Virtual PT Follow-up Session Discount Packages:

  • 4 prepaid 60 minute sessions, $550.

  • 1st Responders & Active Military, please enjoy a 50% discount on all services. Thank you for what you do!